How can boosting Your Vitamin And Mineral Intake Protect Your Smile?
Boosting Your Vitamin And Mineral Intake Can Protect Your Smile By Lucy Wyndham Everyone knows that eating a good mix of vitamins and minerals is vital for optimum health, but did you know that these nutrients are just as essential for your dental health? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 47.2% of American adults have some form of periodontal disease . But with the right vitamin and mineral consumption and effective dental care, the nation’s tooth decay could be significantly improved. A steady dose of fluoride Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral found in water which your teeth rely heavily on as research has found that it can reduce the rate of cavities by 60%. 95% of all leading brands of toothpaste contain fluoride and there are also prescription only ones available for those who need extra protection against cavities. Fluoride Alert details a whole host of ways in which you increase your fluoride consumption, including consuming proce